Have you ever dreamed of having a personal assistant in your kitchen? Oh I have, many times! As I dreamed of things this personal assistant would do for me, I developed some time savings tips that will make your time in the kitchen less stressful.One of the most efficient time savers is planning your meals by the week, for two weeks or even a month at a time. After you plan your meals, compile a grocery list. By each item on your grocery list, list the dish which you will be using that ingredient.
This will help you once you return home from your grocery shopping. Do your grocery shopping on a day and time there are fewer people at the grocery store. This will allow less stress in fighting the crowds and will help you think clearly as you are making your food selections.Once you get home, take time putting away your groceries.
Clean and chop your vegetables such as herbs, onions, peppers, celery. Once cleaned and chopped, pre measure your vegetables, place in a storage bag labeled with the recipe it goes in. Keep one shelf in your refrigerator for ingredients for your meals. Let your family know about this shelf so they will not eat your ingredients.When you are browning your ground beef, brown all the beef you are going to use the rest of the week.
Put cooled browned beef in plastic bags or containers, and label them with the recipe name. This will cut down on your prep time for the rest of the week. There is no use in browning beef several times in a week.When thinking about your personal assistant, think about your appliances that can help you.
Your slow cooker will become your best friend. In the morning, you can assemble your vegetables and meat in your slow cooker in less than 10 minutes. Your meal will be done when you return home in the evening.
A slow cooker is a wonderful investment!.Always keep pre packaged salad on hand to have a quick and easy side dish.
.Betty Lynch, is the owner and chef of My Country Kitchen - a Menu Planning Service for the BUSY person! For more time saving tips and recipes, please visit My Country Kitchen, http://www.mycountrykitchen.com.
By: B Lynch